I had never understood the concept of " listening to your own noise" until I become an entrepreneur. It has nothing to do with dismissing the coaching, advice, and guidance from those with experience. All it means is; deep inside of you, lies the primary and sufficient resources you need, therefore, trust yourself and your ideas, as no one can do it for you. If an entrepreneur does not believe in her/himself or his/her idea. Who else can believe on her/his behalf? Listening to your own noise is to be a prisoner of your own destiny. Convicted only- by what is placed in your heart and mind. Taking out the emotional aspect of being a dreamer/entrepreneur. Listening to your own noise does not mean being big-headed, but has everything to do with being single-minded, hard-working, committed, desperate and a solid state of mind. The daily struggles of entrepreneurs are; out a hundred things that will happen to entrepreneurs in a day, ten will be good, and ninety will be bad, but ...